News from the River & the Rezza (Competiton Date Announced).


Just to give all our members some early notice the individual competition has been fixed the club have decided to experiment with holding it on a Sunday – the date is the 19th of August.

Please note this competition is held at Glengavel Reservoir and is open to all our members i.e. River Season Ticket Members and Reservoir Members. It means our River ticket at only £10.00 also qualifies you to a day on our Reservoir which means you get a years river fishing for Trout & Grayling and a day on our reservoir which normally costs £15.00 for only £10.00 remarkable value for money. The competition is “Fly Only”.

More info on the competiton to follow from our Competiton Convenor Graeme Hamilton.

There has been some great catches on the River recently – well done to Davy Learmonth who caught and returned this beauty….

Davy's 2lber from the River

Davy's 2lber from the River

Thanks also to the Strathaven Echoes & the East Kilbride News for some great coverage of our recent competition see page 83 of this weeks EK News.

The Reservoir was fishing it’s sox off yesterday with the Trout hammering wake flys like the mini muddler & various sedge type patterns.

Thanks to Barry who had me thrust upon him as a boat partner yesterday.

Once again great banter over lunch with the usual gang at our “new veranda cafe” at the boat house – thanks to JCT & others for there great efforts in improving the facilities.

If I had 6 yesterday – I missed, rose & lost at least 30 the sport when we had cloud cover was fast & furious with the rod at times virtually being pulled from your hand – I witnessed Gordon Thorn rising and hooking an enormous trout that caused a mini tidal wave & immediately broke him – then 10 minutes later he was broken again by another biggie. I hooked and dropped off after less than minute a very big trout that had me using bad words & beating the ground with my fists (my arm is sore this morning just to remind me) I have lost a few good fish in the past week…..  angling can be very frustrating…..

See the photos below –

Not Barry's biggest of the day but a beautiful yellow bellied brownie!!!

Not Barry's biggest of the day but a beautiful yellow bellied brownie!!!

Boat Fishing at Glengavel 100612

Boat Fishing at Glengavel 100612

My Best of the day 100612

My Best of the day 100612

My best of the day goes back to Glengavel's depths...

My best of the day goes back to Glengavel's depths...



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